Tuesday, December 22, 2009


f you're a Writer, and you're trying to get your Writings Published or
posted on the Web, contact these Publishers. Query first or submit a
synopsis of your latest article, (Give it's title; approx. number of words;
your full name; e-mail address, and a paragraph detailing what your
article is about.) Interested Publishers will contact you.

Update: I just found a new service that will write an article for you, and then submit it to over 900 newsletter authors for you. This is incredible exposure for people seeking to get their article published in dozens of newsletters and ezines. Check out EzineTraffic.com
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(Please, do not fill these Publishers e-mail boxes with your solicitations. This is my private database of publishers contact info.)
aba651@airmail.net, Andrea Barrett, submit articles for my consideration
abundant@powerup.com.au, Geoff Williams, "The Abundant News"
Adams_Publications@msn.com, Rick Adams, "The Cajun Peddler"
aimc@ultranet.com, Chuck Locurto, "American Individual Magazine"
alana@crl.com, Alana Jordan, "Jordan's Advertising News"
alnan@redrose.net, Alan Tyler, Publisher of "Selections"
ambanner@aol.com, Ron Hurley, "American Banner Magazine"
anewcr@aol.com, A New Creation Biz. Services, 'Proud To Be The Boss'
asbac@sdgiweb.com, Gary Lockwood, "Successful Times" Newsletter
barbara@firstgpa.com, Barbara Frano, "Prodigy Small Biz Center"
bmg@planttel.net, Jerry L Goodwin, "Health & Fitness" Newsletter
bobs@isquare.com, Dr. Robert Sullivan, "The Small Business Advisor"
bri_inc@prodigy.com, Tom Kothman, 'Working from Home', on Prodigy
chdemas@aol.com, Cheryl Demas, Publisher, "Work at Home Moms"
chuck@ezonline.com, Chuck Rollason, "Mailorder News & Views"
Clyde@reidnet.com, Clyde Reid, "Internet ONLINE Business" Newsletr.
datatam@gte.net, Tammy VanDerHeyden, "Small Business Resource"
deboraj@adnc.com, Debora Adams, Author of "The Foodie Newsletter"
debtzapper@debtzapper.com, Heidi Wolfgang, "Debt Free" Newsletter
dtbest@espweb.com, David T. Best, "Eastgate Special Publications"
ECNews@aol.com, Kathy Mathews, Editor, "Emerald Coast News"
editor@business2business.on.ca, "Business to Business" Newsletter
editor@powerpub.com, Earl B. Hall, NetPower Publishing, "G3 Gazette"
editor@spare-time.com, Peter Abbott, Editor, "Spare Time Magazine"
ev@bizhead.com, Evan Williams, Bizhead, Intelligent Entrepreneurship
exposure@usa.net, Adam Boettiger, EXPOSURE! Net Marketing Nwsltr.
fpines@bizhotline.com, Frank Pines, "The Business Hotline Online"
FrankBaGer@aol.com, Publisher of "Frank Bauer's $1,000,000 Nwsletr."
freepart@usa.net, Judy Smith, Freedom Partners, "Freedom Library"
gapserv@aol.com, Gene Pimental, "American Home Business Digest"
gary@stretcher.com, Gary Foreman, "Dollar Stretcher Magazine"
Gapach97@aol.com, Gary Christensen, "HomeMoney e-mail Newsletter"
Greg@Landry.com, Greg Landry, "HomeBased Business" Newsletter
Gumball994@aol.com, Bob Grimes, "Grimco's News & Gumball Express"
hehlers@juno.com, Herb Ehlers, Publisher, "The Computer Corner"
henderso@ix.netcom.com, Attn: Stacy, "Home Business Magazine"
Holly@profitsonline.com, Holly Wolken, Creative Director, 'Profit$ Online'
Homeprneur@aol.com, Julia Tavis, "Work-At-Home Parents' Newsletter"
ho89@juno.com, Larry Wack, Writer, Home-based Newsletter Publisher
ibc@sar-net.com, Steve Todd, "Internet Biz. Communications" Nwsltr.
IMIarticles@intersuccess.com, Terry Williams, "Internet Marketing Issues"
Intertab@panacom.com, Al Davis, Publisher of "Serendipity" tabloid
jaffe@lancnews.infi.net, Azriela Jaffe, "Best Ideas in Business" Nwsltr.
jdpearson@wr.net, John Pearson, The "Computer Profits Newsletter"
JKirsch104@aol.com, Joyce, "Home-Based E-Mail Connection" Nwsltr.
john@gohome.com, John Knowlton, Editor "Business @ Home" Mag.
joycepub@ns1.sccoast.net, L.B. Joyce, Jr., "Spotlight" Magazine
kpsent@juno.com, Karen E Lambert, "National Business Opportunities"
larrywr@ix.netcom.com, Larry Rollick, Publisher of 'Wine & Biz Review"
lindac@pobox.com, Linda Careaga, "Working @ Home" Newsletter
lorrin@global-homebiz.com, Lorrin Lee, Ph.D, "Global HomeBiz Secrets"
mailLee@aol.com, Leburn Moredock, "Sara Allen's E-Mail Newsletter"
Sourc@aol.com, John Palumbo, "Mail Order Sources Mall"
margaret@workingSMARTER.com, "workingSMARTER" Newsletter
mdharris@wizard.net, Monique Harris, Editor, "Int'l SOHO Digest"
minute@templar.fgi.net, Qaadir Rasheed, "The Budget Advertiser"
MLMCentral@aol.com, Paul Fishkind, "MLM Central Station" (Mall)
mmm1@ais.net, Ed Bauer, "Wealth Building" & "Money Makers Monthly"
mtotd@clearlyinternet.com, Ira Pasternack, "Marketing Tip of the Day"
MurphWorks@aol.com, Anna Murphy, 'Anna's Home-Works', Newsletter
myers@content.net, Paul Myers, Editor, "Virtual Business News"
nelsonpubl@earthlink.net, Chris Nelson, Publisher, "The NelEzine"
netbiz@qualityservice.com, Barbara Briggs, 'Paper-work's News Letter.'
noboss@noboss.com,Dan Schwartz, "NOBO$$ Newsletter"
nsi@coastalnet.com, Wayne Sutton, "The Downline Reporter On-line"
PageOne1@aol.com, L. Kerrigan, 'Subscribe', for Newsletter Publishers
payday@pulsar.net, John Mason, "Payday Tabloid"
phoenix5000@naxs.com, Tom Sult, "Phoenix 5000 Magazine"
phoenix@enter.net, Barry Shultz, Site Mgr., Internet Marketing Products
pizazz@ultimate.org, James SantaMaria, "Pizazz Magazine" (MLM)
PMGPUB@juno.com, Daile Tucker, "SmartShopper" newspaper
regent@west.net, Linda Locke, "MLM Woman" & "Insider's Bookshelf"
Ricnum@aol.com, Rich Varnum, Publisher, "The Morecash Newsletter"
rrr@vh.net, Stefen Roebke, Games Palace Inc., games review articles
scole@homeincome.com, Steve Cole, "HomeIncome Mall & Magazine"
shel@frugalfun.com, S. Horowitz, "Global Arts, & "Global Travel Review"
shilling@pobox.com, Dave, Publisher of "The Shilling" Magazine
soos@soos.com, Richard Soos, "Electronic Money Tree"
spectpub@bellatlantic.net, Jeanie Swisher, "SPECTRUM BUSINESS"
SpiegelRob@aol.com, Robert Spiegel, "Home Business Success"
ssimail@ix.netcom.com, Jeffrey Spencer, Author, Newsletter Publisher
stefpub@ntcnet.com, Paula Aldridge, "HOMEBusiness Journal"
submissions@mma-network.com, "Network Library"
submit@demc2.com, Abbie Drew,"Direct E-Mail Connections" (DEMC)
submit@JDD-Publishing.com, Jim Daniels, "The BizWeb Gazette"
success@together.net, Success Networks, "SUCCESS DIGEST"
terri@workingsolo.com, Terri Lonier, "Working Solo" Newsletter
TJTPUB@aol.com, Terry Thomas, "Mail Order Marketing News"
tom@usadvertiser.com, Tom McCrary, "USAdvertiser Magazine"
Trexcom@aol.com, Kevin Seraaj, Publisher, "Central Florida Advocate"
usng@sofnet.com, Dean Garrison, Publisher, "Ultimate Solutions"
visionnary@earthlink.net, Debra D. Mosby, Publisher, Rare Earth Press
webmaster@worldprofit.com, "WorldProfit Magazine" Worldprofit Mall
wendyweb@bizresource.com, W. McClelland, "Biz Tips Newsletter"
YJRM21A@prodigy.com, Bob Osgoodby, Editor, "Your-Biz" Newsletter
5551@pipeline.com, Kevin, "Advantage Digest" (MLM)
75150.633@compuserve.com, Sharron Kahn, "At Work At Home"

You can submit articles to a major database of content providers.
Check out ezinearticles.com Pretty cool!